Coffee Pod Troubleshooting FAQs
My box of coffee pods doesn’t contain any milk
For milky drinks such as our Lattés, Cappuccinos or Hot Chocolates, you will need to use two pods – one of which contains the milk. Many of our varieties don’t come with milk, such as our Espressos, Lungos, and Americano range.
The top of the pod will tell you which drink it is, but you will need to look at the colour of the base to see which kind of pod it is – whether milk, coffee, chocolate or a cold variety.
Milk pods have a white base
Coffee pods have a brown base
Chocolate pods have a brown base
Cold drink pods have a brown or silver base.
If you check your box and you feel that you were not given the correct amount of milk pods, please call NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® customer services free on 0800 707 6066 in the UK or 00800 6378 5385 in ROI.
The top of the pod will tell you which drink it is, but you will need to look at the colour of the base to see which kind of pod it is – whether milk, coffee, chocolate or a cold variety.
Milk pods have a white base
Coffee pods have a brown base
Chocolate pods have a brown base
Cold drink pods have a brown or silver base.
If you check your box and you feel that you were not given the correct amount of milk pods, please call NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® customer services free on 0800 707 6066 in the UK or 00800 6378 5385 in ROI.
Will you produce any other kinds of coffee pods in the future?
We are always looking to add new drink varieties to the range and we launch on average one to two new products a year.
If you haven’t done so already why not register with us to keep up to date with any new varieties of drinks we may introduce in the future. Make sure you opt in to our newsletter so we can send you communications about new varieties. You can do this by clicking on 'My Account‘ and then 'My Newsletter‘ when you are signed in.
